Land Girls
The Novel, Land Girls by author Angela Huff, originally published in 198 is a great World War Two novel. Three women from completely different backgrounds are united when they arrive at the Lawrence Farm in rural England. They develop a bond which will see their friendship last for the rest of their lives. This is a far better novel than it was a film - even though I loved the film which starred Anna Friel, Rachel Weisz and Catherine McCormack. The problem is, and it's one that often happens, is that the film adaptation is rather different to the novel with certain facts having been altered, leaving you with differing impressions depending upon whether you watched the film or read the book! Nonetheless, I enjoyed Huff's writing and the entire novel if I'm honest. It represents a fair account of life as a Land Girl and of living off the land as it were. There's the usual romance and love lost and then rekindled and there's the sadness of the loss of life bec...