
Showing posts from November, 2011

Fresh Start

It's been a while, but here I am. I've graduated from the Open University, almost began a Masters in Creative Writing - had to defer but to be perfectly frank, I'm considering backing out altogether. The reason for this is down to the cost unfortunately. It's a shame in a way but, as it has been pointed out to me more than once recently, one does not need to be taught how to write. Simply get on with it - and save your cash in the process. Masters courses are anything but cheap and sadly do not generally attract funding. So, the bank balance will be healthier.  My novel, (historical fiction) is slowly taking shape. It has been more complex than I had envisaged but I have this overriding need to get it finished. It's an emotive and intriguing story and one that must be told. That said, it's been altered more times than I can keep up with. Just heard on TV today that even the presenter, Tess Daley has written her first novel. Apparently she locked herself away i