
Showing posts from September, 2012

The Queen of Procrastination

A horrid little word. Procrastination. Horrid, because it is negative and because I truly am the Queen when it comes to it. How I long to be unaffected by this but maybe now it's just not my time to shine. Everything is going against me -at least that's how I see it -life in general and some big changes are approaching and once again I find myself staring into the void between myself and the keyboard. No words flow. On the plus side I have ideas thrashing around in the stormy depths of my mind. When I have my moments of panic -the ones where you think, "Right, that's it, I'll never be a writer in a million years," my inner voice takes over and it's rather calming. It tells me not to panic. It says I have plenty of time and I'll get there. Essentially it removes the pressure. Trouble is, do I believe in this voice or is it simply procrastination wearing its hooded cloak, creeping back into my psyche. I've decided to be cautious and give myself an

Official Cover Reveal & Giveaway:His Black Wings by Astrid Yrigollen

~ Synopsis~ His Black Wings is... Beauty and the Beast  set   in   the future during a Victorian era revival.   The Grand Council has brought the world peace, but will it last? Malice, revenge and lust are not easily defeated... Claren Maidstone has been forced to flee her childhood home, following the death of her parents and a vicious attack from a man who intends to marry her.  She assumes a new identity and finds employment as an assistant to the handsome, Fredrick Lowood. However, Fredrick's generosity isn't without a price and Claren soon finds herself forced into a strange friendship with his disfigured son.  Unaware of how Claren's past entwines with his own,  Etrigan Lowood begins to yearn for her love.  Unfortunately, the past is not far behind. Is his love for Claren enough?  Or will Etrigan remain alone with his black wings...  AUTHOR BIO AND LINKS: Astrid Yrigollen  is a self published author of young adult

Suzy Henderson: Review of War Crimes for the Home, a Novel by Liz ...

Suzy Henderson: Review of War Crimes for the Home, a Novel by Liz ... : War Crimes For The Home, A Novel By Liz Jensen. Gloria, the protagonist, is an elderly lady whom everyone assumes is suffering wit...

Review of War Crimes for the Home, a Novel by Liz Jensen.

War Crimes For The Home, A Novel By Liz Jensen. Gloria, the protagonist, is an elderly lady whom everyone assumes is suffering with a form of senile dementia. Gloria is in a care home and she is quite a cantankerous woman who comes across as rather brazen and crude at times. The author uses a series of flashbacks to narrate our protagonists tale, taking us back to the 1940’s and World War Two. It contains humour but equally hides a grim twist which when revealed is quite a nasty surprise.  During the war, Gloria worked at a munitions factory with her sister Marjorie. She gets what she can where she can, such as ciggies, because tomorrow she might be dead. She likes jokes and loves telling them. 'You know what they say about GI's and knickers? One Yank and they're off!' Then she meets Ron, a handsome GI and falls in love. In telling her story, the aged Gloria seems to be haunted by the ghost of a baby girl which she finds very disturbing. This apparition

What Have I Been Doing?

I hope everyone is enjoying  a lovely weekend. It's very chilly here in Cumbria but the sun is shining. I can definitely feel the transition to Autumn as the days become shorter and the dark nights creep in. Apologies for being absent lately when I should have been here, prolifically writing away. Life in general is the cause. Not only has it kept me away from my blog but it has also distracted me from working on my novel. But as many of you know, that's just the way it is and it can be frustrating trying to achieve the elusive harmonious balance we strive for. I originally started my blog because as a writer I need a social platform. Then I looked around and wondered what exactly I should be doing here. Should I write about myself & my writing or should I review books? Well, I began with a mix of both. I'm not what you could call a seasoned blogger or IT user, so like many other people, I have embarked upon a massive learning curve. To be truthful I'm still th

Haunted Airfields

There are numerous reports of haunted airfields around Great Britain, stretching back for a great number of years.  There are reports from locals who have claimed to have heard the throaty roar of aircraft engines over airfields but yet there's no sign of any craft. There are tales of sightings of Airmen going into old aircraft buildings and simply vanishing through walls. There are reports of a ghost Spitfire at Biggin Hill -one of the main airfields during the Battle of Britain and then there are numerous reports from people who experience a 'presence' or 'disturbance' at such deserted bases, some of which have since been turned into museums following the end of WW2. One particular airfield which has been attracting the attention of paranormal investigators, especially recently, is RAF Scampton. Wing Commander Guy Gibson, VC, led the Dambusters raid on the night of 16th May 1943 from his base at RAF Scampton. It was to be known as Operation Chastise. Just ho

My Very Own Blog Award

A big thank you to Rita @ Thoughts and Musings, for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award. It's really nice to feel that you make a welcome contribution to the world of blogging about books and I'm very happy to receive this and to have been noticed by my fellow bloggers. Thank you, Rita. Here are the requirements for the award: include the pic in the post thank the person who nominated you nominate at least 15 other blogs provide 7 random facts about yourself 7 random facts about me: I love World War 1 and 2. I love everything about the RAF. I hate it that I find Facebook complicated at times. Neighbours who insist on cutting grass at 7am are just a little uncaring. I'm constantly multitasking in my mind on books, reviews, my writing and more novel ideas. I hate that I'm addicted to tea -why couldn't it be chocolate? A true romantic at heart, I love all period dramas, especially Pride & Prejudice & Emma. My Nominees

Review of Automaton by CL Davies

Author: CL Davies. Available in Kindle and paperback. Goodreads Rating: 4 Stars. Automaton by CL Davies is her debut futuristic novel with a unique twist. It begins as a novel with seemingly real people in the real world but gradually the plot unfolds and you begin to view two worlds, one real and one engineered. Welcome to GameWorld, where the characters are controlled by real people outside. Are you intrigued? Think of the Trueman Show (1998) –the movie which starred Jim Carey, who seemingly lived in a perfect world with a perfect life, until he discovered it was engineered that way and he was in fact living in a bubble. This is not the Trueman Show re-modelled in any way, but reading it sent me down the good old avenue of deja-vue. GameWorld is not the perfect life in a perfect world. If you break the rules you are eliminated but I won’t spoil it and tell you how. One of the twists is that whilst many of the people there are in fact androids, some are human and have been ‘m

Light & Dark:The Awakening of the Mageknight by Daniel M Fife

Author: Daniel M Fife 312 pages YA Genre Fiction Goodreads Score :4 stars This is the debut novel of Daniel Fife and is the first book in the series. The opening chapter finds the protagonist, Danny Firoth at the start of a new High School term. There is also the arrival of the beautiful Sabrina Drake, a new student. When Danny finds himself cornered in to a fight with the school bully, he experiences the awakening of some incredible force within him, enabling him to win the fight, much to the amazement of all. Then there is the introduction to the card game of Knights that seems to herald importance. The game contains three ‘camps,’ Light, Gray & Dark. Soon, Danny and his friends realise that this is more than a mere card game. Shortly afterwards, Danny’s world begins to change as shadows emerge along with mythical creatures. This is a world of dragons, shadow shifters and Knights. He rather likes Sabrina Drake, whose ‘faint aroma of wild roses followed in

The Dawn of Autumn

It's beginning to feel like Autumn. We've had a lot of rain recently and a big dip in temperatures. Summer seemed to sizzle out prematurely this year.  At least it's sunny today which is just as well out here because it's the Loweswater annual show. I can hear the Cumbrian tones of the show announcer floating across the valley as he speaks into his megaphone. Sadly I've missed the horse classes which are my main interest so no, I'm not going. In all honesty I forgot it was on which is so typical of me. Besides, I have so much to do and a backlog of work is growing so it looks as though I've more than enough to keep me out of mischief. On top of all that I really want to read 'Bring Up The Bodies' by Hilary Mantel, but I still haven't finished 'Wolf Hall' so it's just tough. Add caption My head is filled with thoughts. If a brain can be said to be multi-tasking then that's precisely what mine does everyday. Sitting here I'