
Showing posts from January, 2013

Remembering Treblinka

The Holocaust defines a period in history that remains little known or even completely unknown to some people today. I find it shocking that anyone today can blatantly deny that the Holocaust took place but that is precisely what has been happening ever since the end of World War Two. There have been so many eye witness accounts of the atrocities that took place in such camps, such inhumane acts which are so shocking and deeply distressing to read about. My writing and research often takes me to unexpected places and just recently it highlighted the camp at Treblinka, in German-occupied Poland. Due to the lack of evidence surrounding Treblinka is is often referred to as 'the forgotten camp.' It had been argued that this was merely a transit camp for Jews. However, thanks to the efforts of archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls and the use of radar,  evidence of massive burial pits has been discovered. Witness accounts describe in detail how the camp was cleverly disguised as a ...

My Life In Blogging

The life of a blogger! Well, it's not that dramatic but it is a part of my life. Why do I do it? The truth is, I began my blog about two years ago, initially because other writers had done so. I was blinded by the world of social media, floundering out of my depth but I quickly found a way through the maze and became gradually more proficient. Now I continue to write here because it is my therapy. It helps me to unblock my mind, let go to a degree and encourage the words to flow. In a sense, it is almost as good as having a listening ear -a friend, someone or anyone who listens to you ranting and raving about all that is wrong in the world or in your life - or simply someone who listens. Of course I may not have many readers, who knows, but at least I can write here and not be silenced. It is true that any writing is good for you and you have to exercise your 'writing muscles' just as an athlete has to train for six days each week. It is a constant ritual like the ebb ...

First Love or Last Love?

Films are fabulous, aren't they?  I have particular ones that I can watch over and over again without becoming bored - not many though. One of my favourites is 'The Edge of Love.' In fact, if reading is essential to writing, then films are equally so - especially if you want to be a script writer for radio, stage or screen. You can gain so much by watching characters in action -their persona, mannerisms, dialogue etc. The list is endless. Also, it can generate ideas for scenes and the action they contain. Something else I've found is that quotes from films can generate ideas for your writing. It's specific quotes, ones that generate deep meaning that you can relate to. For example: " First love's  all right as far as it goes; last  love , that's what  I'm interested in ." The words of Captain William Killick, played by actor Cillian Murphy in the film, 'The Edge of Love,' also starring Keira Knightly.  It also features Matthew Rhys ...

Chance Encounters!

My New Year's resolutions have to include, as matter of priority, writing. To clarify, I must work harder! The end of 2012 had me literally in a spin. Moving house has upset the equilibrium far more than I could have imagined - for many reasons that I need not go into. All of that along with Christmas has been very demanding yet still my inner writer has come through fighting. I had a recent conversation with a wonderful, dear lady and former World War Two veteran. It was literally a chance encounter. I came across her name and picture recently in the newly released & published Bomber Command Memorial Book. In one single conversation/interview, she has completed the missing link in my novel. That was one priceless conversation. This lady did two important jobs during the war. Firstly, she was a volunteer at a hospital, carrying out vital duties for patients, from merely talking to them to taking them out. Then she went on to become a WAAF (Women's Auxiliary Air Force)...