Chance Encounters!

My New Year's resolutions have to include, as matter of priority, writing. To clarify, I must work harder!
The end of 2012 had me literally in a spin. Moving house has upset the equilibrium far more than I could have imagined - for many reasons that I need not go into. All of that along with Christmas has been very demanding yet still my inner writer has come through fighting.

I had a recent conversation with a wonderful, dear lady and former World War Two veteran. It was literally a chance encounter. I came across her name and picture recently in the newly released & published Bomber Command Memorial Book. In one single conversation/interview, she has completed the missing link in my novel. That was one priceless conversation.

This lady did two important jobs during the war. Firstly, she was a volunteer at a hospital, carrying out vital duties for patients, from merely talking to them to taking them out. Then she went on to become a WAAF (Women's Auxiliary Air Force). I can still hear her voice now and it is her voice that has filtered into my writing. It is almost as if my words were lifeless in one particular section and she has permeated the pages, igniting them with action and spirit. I cannot begin to tell you what a difference it makes to actually speak with former war veterans. It evokes a fresh perspective - the human touch to your work in a sense, literally breathing life into it.

It is fantastic to meet people, especially those who have been a part of history that we ourselves will never experience. For us it is a gift and they are extra special, deserving of accolades and of a voice. I have met many new people over the last year and never cease to be inspired by them. The world is certainly a rich source of talent and inspiration, much of it quietly being nurtured away, waiting to burst open like the first flowers of spring. So, happy writing to all writers and authors around the globe and Happy New Year to everyone.

This book is available to order from Fighting High Publishing and the website is:
Copies from £19.95 plus postage. £10 per book goes to the Bomber Command Memorial Fund.
For information purposes I have not been asked to promote this book. I have a copy myself and am merely providing information for anyone  who might be interested in the role of Bomber Command and in obtaining a copy of this book.


  1. It must have been wonderful to meet someone who could fill in a missing piece for your book and I bet it was a great conversation.

    Odd, not wanting a book promoted, isn't it?

  2. Hi Alex, so glad you liked the post. Great to hear from you again.
    As for the book, what I should have said was that I was simply mentioning it as I've recently bought a copy. The publishers did not ask me to promote it and I wouldn't wish people to think I was. However, I'm certain the publishers wish to promote it.

  3. My resolution is to enjoy writing again. I got so side-tracked trying to finish my book and get it published that I forgot why I started in the first place.


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