
Showing posts from August, 2013

What's Your Confidence Like, As A Writer?

Doubts and more doubts! That was yesterday - a day full. Why, I hear you ask. Quite simply, having begun the day editing my novel, discovering a major plot flaw (and yes, I did plan but perhaps not as well as I could have done) and also realising that I have lost a character, my heart sunk. Yes - I admit it. Apparently one also requires detectives in the writing process, especially with someone like myself in the midst. Honestly, how do you lose a character? What's happened is that way back in chapter four, a very minor character makes her first appearance and is then forgotten about. She simply does not work in that capacity so evidently there's a spot of re-writing to do there. So, having beaten myself with my ruler - best I can do as it's one of only a few writers tools available to me . . . I decided to take a break so I wandered over to Linkedin - there are some quite useful discussions in the writers groups that I participate in. One discussion was about self publ

Book Review: 'Lost In The Flames,' by Author Christopher Jory

A while ago, Christopher Jory contacted me, commenting upon one of my blog posts. The world of social media is amazing at times, how we find other writers to connect with.  Anyway, we had a chat and he told me what he was writing about and asked me about my own work. Some time went by, and I have to admit that I forgot all about his book until recently when I saw it via Lincolnshire Bomber Command's website. Book Description: There have been many factual accounts of the bombing of Germany, yet the myths that surround it still remain. Lost in the Flames brings to life the experiences of an RAF Bomber Command airman and his family within the story of a love that endures for 70 years. It is also a story of great courage and betrayal, exposing the personal dilemmas and moral controversies that have swirled around the Bomber Command crews and their families from WW2 to the present day. Summer 2012 finally sees the unveiling of an official memorial to Bomber Command that has been

New Book Review of 'Angel on my Wing,' by Author, Lt. Colonel Richard B. (Dick) Lewis

I came across a link to a former veteran's website and it was a fabulous discovery for me. This chap is 91 years young, healthy, determined and still driving. He's amazing and has clearly led an amazing life. Having served as a Bomber Pilot, firstly flying B-24's and later, B-17's, he managed to complete a full tour of 35 missions, surviving "flak that's so thick you can walk on it," and German fighters, every time he flew across Europe, bringing his crew safely home to their base in England without a single injury. The book is simply written, following his recruitment into the American Air Force in 1942, his training and his eventual arrival in England in 1944. Reading about some of the missions he flew is very enlightening and interesting. The title for his book came from a letter he received from his mother. In it, she told him that she'd had a dream about her deceased mother, who told her not to worry about Dick, because she was watching over hi