
A363 results -passed and very pleased. My eyes have been opened to the world of script writing and what a land of possibilities there lies. It's brilliant and I never thought it would be something I could do. That's the brilliance of A363 -Creative Writing (Open University) -it opens up all sorts of possibilities and it shows you how. There are some who claim implicitly that writing can not be taught. You either have 'it' or you don't. I strongly disagree -some of us might be 'dark horses' and I believe that such creative writing courses help us to discover our inner author and to unlock our creativity. There are published writers out there who claim they wouldn't have achieved their goals if it were not for the good old writing courses -many usually attend the Arvon writing weeks. Why do they do this? Simple - to improve their skills. So, if you want to write, just write. Get on with it and produce something. You never know what you can do until you try.


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