A Writing Space

It's a joke. Some people have a summer house built just for their writing space -a place to escape and write in uninterrupted. Some lucky souls have their own study /office. I have a space in my kitchen -either that or the dining table, overlooking the garden. I can't complain. I can't lock myself away, but when the house is quiet, early mornings and evenings, that is my writing time - everyone else in the household tucked up in bed - no interruptions. There's something special about that time and I love it. Sometimes, because I'm a bit of a night owl, I find I'm wide awake by 2am, and I get up then and work on my writing. Mind you, I only last about an hour. I wouldn't recommend it -probably bad for the health. I read one of those insightful pieces of health research recently, and apparently, we should all be aiming for at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night - any less can lead to an increased risk of heart attack. How morbid -where's the sleeping pills -quick!


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