Get Creative

I love this quote -

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” - Woody Allen.

He had a valid point. On a bad day, I don't show up and there lies the problem. I find you have to be so disciplined in order to write. Sometimes I wish I had my own personal writing space away from the hustle and bustle of home. Perhaps my very own log cabin out in the garden -right at the bottom, out of sight. No interruptions and no phone calls. Just me, a pen, paper, comfy chair, desk, scented candle or two and so on. I'm guessing you can view the scene. Oh and the all important bolt on the door.

Writing every day is vital - even if you only manage to do fifty words it's better than nothing. At least it keeps your characters and plot lines fresh in your mind.
Eventually you start to build a routine and your writing becomes a part of you. It becomes natural and your imagination gets an effective workout in the process. Creativity flows more readily and the more often you write, the easier it will be. Remember, world class athletes are such because of their rigorous daily training programmes - we all have to put in the groundwork if we wish to be recognized.

As for me, I'm off now to do some more work - writing of course. It's raining outside so everything is just as it should be. Well, you can't come to Cumbria and expect sunshine, can you? You can cross your fingers but chances are rain will be on the horizon. 

Other things on my mind right now include writing competitions. Should I enter? It ups your profile I suppose, especially if you win. However, it detracts the mind away from the present work which I confess is difficult enough -finding the time or dedicating the time (I should say) is the tricky part in my household and I feel selfish at times locking myself away to write, but I need to work and there it is. So, as time goes on, I'm putting myself under more pressure to commit to other 'writerly things' simply in order to get my work circulating and become known. So, one of my self made dilemma's is, do I spend time perfecting that old short story or poem for an upcoming competition or is it time misspent? I lean towards the latter although my alter ego continues to nag me. 

My yellow lab is looking at me with his large, soft brown eyes that say, 'time for a walkie.' So it looks as if it's time to get drenched. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."


  1. I used that Woody Allen quote in my Creative Writing class and say the same things about finding time and a room. Difference is, I don't practise enough of what I preach!

    What sort of things are you writing at the moment, if you don't mind me asking? I need inspiration. :-)

    Great blog btw.

  2. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your comments. I remember you from a while ago - I have a feeling that we did the Open University creative writing at the same time -can't recall whether it was A215 or A363.
    At the moment I'm writing my first novel - historical fiction revolving around the life of a well known female SOE agent in France during WW2. It has been extremely 'testing' and perhaps too ambitious a project for a first novel but here's the thing - I couldn't let it go. When that happens, you've just got to run with it. It's almost like being possessed. As for the period, I'm rather absorbed in it anyway and I've enjoyed the research. It's paved the way for a few ideas for future projects.
    I have my bad days like most people where I don't want to write at all. I usually do write something even if its poetry.(I dabble here and there.)It's a bit like doing your university work - you can't be bothered but you have a deadline to meet and so you force yourself. However, even if I don't write, ideas just come from other things -it could be from watching something on tv or something I've read and I quickly make a note of it before I forget. Right now though I really am stuck in the 1940's but it's rather great.
    Glad you enjoyed the blog. If you want to get in touch about anything please drop me a line - be glad to help.


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