
I don't think I mentioned that I finally got a Kindle for my birthday (American Independence day). Since the literary revolution began I have resisted the temptation of eBook readers. However, as more and more authors self publish, there is quite a digital library stock amassing and I was rather keen to access certain titles.

So, herald my Kindle - yes I know there are a number of different readers available but I settled for this and it's rather good. I had a misconception that I would not be able to read as well with such devices - this came from spending hours upon hours at my laptop doing research for my university work (now finished) and my writing. However, my Kindle has a much better screen/reading pane in comparison to a laptop and I find that I can read much faster, if I choose to - very easy on the eye! All in all, a good experience.

I also love the fact that I can download a book within minutes -no more waiting for Amazon to deliver or going to the bookstore. Actually, what I mean is, I don't have to go to the book store but I still will. Not everything is available on Kindle plus book stores are essentially literary utopia to book lovers and to writers. All the better if you can grab a coffee whilst you're there (and chocolate cake). So, the eBook revolution does not have to signal the end for book stores. They keep the heart beating in our local towns and they willingly engage in literary activities and book launches/signings. Get actively involved with your local store and help keep it afloat. 


  1. My mum has an e-book herself, I read one of the books she has on it once and it was so easy to read. It makes me want to have one of my own.

  2. Hi Damien. Thanks for visiting. Someone told me recently that I would have been better off getting a Tablet simply because the screens are slightly larger and you can browse the web, hence update your blog, twitter etc. Still I'm happy with what I've got. All the best and thanks for following.

  3. I have a Kindle and I love it:") i am following from book blogs! follow back please, http://andreaheltsley.blogspot.com
    great blog:)

  4. Hi Andrea. Thanks for following and for your comment. I've ran out of books now on Kindle -need to buy more! Now I'm off to your site.
    Thank you.


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