'The Next Big Thing' Blog Hop

A huge "thank you" to Liliana Soare (http://lilianasoare.wordpress.com) for tagging me in 'The Next Big Thing' blog hop. The way this blog hop works is for each tagged author to answer the questions about their most current book. It is my turn to answer a set of ten questions and to tag three authors, whose blog pages are listed further below. I warmly encourage you to visit their pages next Wednesday the 24th October to find out a little more about their novels.

Here's my interview:

1.   What is the title of your book?

My book is still a work in progress -famous last words in a sense but I think I've decided on the title now and here it is: 'The Burning Blue.' It might be obvious to some people and it might not but it's certainly relevant to the subject matter.

2.    Where did the idea for the book come from?

Ideas can literally come from anywhere but this particular idea arose from my passion for both World Wars. There are still so many lesser known aspects of both Wars that are interesting, inspiring and poignant and thus there are many untold stories. There is always an audience for a story and it's a way of keeping memories alive as well as paying tributes.

3.    What genre does the book fall under?

Historical fiction.

4.    Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Aden Young would have to play my lead male protagonist. I simply loved him in 'War Bride.' Then I'd probably say Keira Knightley for my leading lady or I could choose Anna Friel, again from 'War Bride.'

5.    What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

When a handsome RAF Pilot falls in love with a pretty young WAAF, can their love survive separation, war and a near fatal air crash?

6.    Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I think I'd prefer to be represented by an agency but if all else fails, I intend to self-publish.

7.    How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Six months but I'll admit to finding it incredibly tough going due to the research aspect. Even now there are certain things that crop up that I have to scurry off to research and check my facts.

8.    What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Perhaps Pat Barker's novel, 'Toby's Room' -I can't think of any others that address the same themes.

9.    Who or What inspired you to write this book?

I think I was inspired indirectly by my late grandmother who was herself a WAAF during the war. She lived and worked through those turbulent times and to me she is a heroine, joining the ranks of many others around the world.

10.   What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?

My novel is a tale of love and of love lost. It is a tale of heroism and of heroes. It narrates a piece of history during Europe's darkest and perhaps finest hour. But rather than focus upon military tactics, I've honed in on the normality of life and on a sector of hospital care that was both unique in its day and pioneering.

Please remember to visit my friends blogs as listed below for news about their novels -next Wednesday 24th October. I can tell you that they wrote wonderful books you will all like to read, so pick up your pen and write this event down in your agenda. Here they are:

  • Lynelle Clarke at : http://lynelleclarkaspiredwriter.blogspot.com/ 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi there

    I love this!!

    You have the wrong blog on here. This si the correct one.



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