
Showing posts from September, 2013

Peace Day September 21st, 2013

    What does peace mean to us? For some, it means no more physical abuse. The cessation of violence and of crime perhaps. More often, one is drawn towards the larger conflicts - war. It was supposed to be the war to end all wars, yet the Great War of 1914 - 1918 was not so. Ever since, conflicts have reigned in countries around the globe. Right now, the Syrian civil war has become the latest conflict to dominate our news headlines. A reported two million have fled, lost their homes and possessions. Many have lost loved ones. Children are starving or dying from lack of medical supplies. These refugees are seeking sanctuary in neighbouring countries. But the aid agencies do not have the resources to cope with the influx. Food, medicine and clean water is desperately short. This has turned into a great humanitarian crisis. After three years of civil war, the innocent people caught up in this conflict cannot wait for peace. They urgently need our help now. Please take a moment to check

Peace in Time Book Blitz

About The Author: M.C.V.  Egan lives in South Florida. she is fluent in four languages; English, Spanish, French and Swedish. From a young age became determined to solve the 'mystery' of her grandfather's death, she has researched this story for almost two decades. the story has taken her to Denmark, England and unconventional world of psychics. Website  |  Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads Genre: Historical Paranormal Publisher: AuthorHouse Publishing Release Date: June 14, 2011 Amazon On August 15th, 1939 an English passenger plane from British Airways Ltd. Crashed in Danish waters between the towns of Nykobing/Falster and Vordingborg. There were five casualties reported and one survivor. Just two weeks before Hitler invaded Poland with the world at the brink of war the manner in which this incident was investigated left much open to doubt.

'Serenade To The Big Bird,' by Bert Stiles

As if I haven't spoken about this enough, my research for my forthcoming novel has consumed me completely and I've discovered the most amazing real life stories and books along the way. One of these happens to be very special to me. 'Serenade To The Big Bird,' was written by 1st Lt. Bert Stiles, of the United States Air Force, one of those "Masters of the Air".  Tragically, Bert lost his life when on the 26th November 1944, he became a victim of target fixation whilst chasing a FW-190. He sadly crashed his P-51, aged only 23 years. Before this, Bert flew bomber missions with the 91st Bomb Group and was based in Bassingbourn, England. After completing his tour of duty, he had the opportunity to return to his homeland but he had always wanted to fly fighters and so he requested to do so. He had 35 bomber missions under his belt. Incidentally, Bassingbourn was also home to one of the more famous B-17's, The Memphis Belle. A B-17 flies over the control tow

The Battle of Britain

When Germany attempted to gain air superiority over Britain, from July 1940 - September 1940, this period duly became known as The Battle of Britain. The Battle began in mid July, shortly after the evacuation of Allied Forces from Dunkirk, with the Luftwaffe concentrating on attacking coastal towns, defences and Channel shipping.  In August, Goering altered tactics and they began attacking airfields and Radar bases. On the 4th September they changed tactics once more, upon Hitler's instructions, and bombed major towns and cities. On the 15th September, a day which has come to be known as Battle of Britain Day, the RAF launched a savage, counter-attack upon the swarms of German aircraft, in the skies above London and the South Coast. Hitler then realised that they had failed to break the strength of the RAF and gain the air superiority that he so desperately craved. Hitler's plans for the invasion of Britain were also duly called off on September 17th. He then turned his att

Suzy Henderson: The Midwife's Revolt by Author, Jodi Daynard - Dro...

Suzy Henderson: The Midwife's Revolt by Author, Jodi Daynard - Dro... : Support an awesome author and enter to WIN a Kindle Fire, a $50 Amazon Gift Card and an autographed copy of The Midwife's Revol...

The Midwife's Revolt by Author, Jodi Daynard - Drop by and join in the fun.

Support an awesome author and enter to WIN a Kindle Fire, a $50 Amazon Gift Card and an autographed copy of The Midwife's Revolt We'll be doing an event every hour on the hour with prizes throughout as well as a day long giveaway for a Kindle Fire! Each event will have clues for extra entries so check back in often. So hop over to GoodReads between 10AM and 8PM EST! Come back throughout the day to get more inside info about Jodi, The Midwife's Revolt and have some fun! Join us on GoodReads The Midwife's Revolt is rated 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon this novel is rich in detail, character and intrigue! The Midwife’s Revolt takes the reader on a journey to the founding days of America. It follows one woman’s path, Lizzie Boylston, from her grieving days of widowhood after Bunker Hill, to her deepening friendship with Abigail Adams and midwifery, and finally to her dangerous work as a spy for the Cause. A novel rich in historical detail, The Midwife’s R

Author Interview with Christoph Fischer, Author of "The Luck of the Weissensteiners" and "Sebastian."

Today I welcome the Author, Christoph Fischer to the blog. Christoph presently has two books out, the first of which is The Luck of the Weissensteiners . This is set in war torn Europe and incidentally, is one of the top ten indie books for August 2013. Hello Christoph, and welcome. It's great to speak with you today and to learn a little more about your books, the Three Nations Trilogy . Hello Sue and thanks for inviting me to your blog. Always a pleasure to host a fellow writer of historical fiction. Can I begin by asking what was it that influenced you to explore such periods of history? When my interest in family history arose a few years ago I realised how little I knew about any of it, particularly Czechoslovakian history before and during WWII and about the places where my family came from. There was nobody I could get first-hand information from so I had to get my head into the archives and history books. I am not a ‘pure’ German and have often felt

Flypast by Battle of Britain Memorial Pilots at Carlisle Airport.

My Sunday afternoon was spent at Carlisle Airport, in Cumbria. A former RAF Maintenance base during the Second World War, now a thriving little airport offering flight training among other things. Solway Aviation Museum is also based on the site and well worth a visit if you love aviation, history and wish to learn more about the former RAF base during the war. So, as the Battle of Britain Memorial team were doing a flypast at the Leuchars airshow on Sunday, they decided to treat us to a fantastic flypast, whilst stopping over at Carlisle airport to refuel. They approached the airport, racing down from the clouds above, flew once over the waiting crowd below, turned and landed with all the grace and poise that the Spitfire and Hurricane are blessed with. Watching them both taxi down the runway was spectacular - I've never seen them on the ground before. So it was that I stood among the crowd of onlookers, waiting for them to refuel and enjoy a well earned break before taking to

Author Interview with Stephanie Fleshman as part of her 'Render' whirlwind tour.

Please enjoy this interview with Stephanie Fleshman, author of the enticing Paranormal YA, Render .  Then read on to learn how you can win huge prizes as part of this blog tour, including a Kindle Fire, $550 in Amazon gift cards, and 5 autographed copies of the book. An Interview with Stephanie Fleshman Author of YA Paranormal Novel, Render 1. How do your experiences traveling and growing up in a rural town help you to write?   Traveling has always stimulated the passion I have for learning other cultures.  Render definitely depicts that, since I bring so many other cultures into the story. 2. You are among many new authors who went to a post-secondary school for something completely different from writing. How does your degree in psychology play a role in your writing?  Psychology is the study of human behavior, so that has definitely helped to create multi-dimensional characters. 3. Do you have any advice for others who have stuck to a career path

My Novel Progress

My last New Year's Resolution was to complete my novel this year, and get ready for publication. And yes, that means that I have decided to self publish. I'm usually good at coming to decisions, but planning is definitely my weak spot. And boy am I having a time of it now as a result of my flaws. One minute I truly believed that the writing was going well. In the blink of an eye I had decided that chapter one didn't work for me (after months of thinking it did) and that one realisation has thrown far more of my work into question. So, today I'm going backwards and checking through my planning process. Main plot, sub-plots, everything. Redrafting is going to take up some time but it's necessary. So, it's back to the sticky notes placed in order on the floor - story boarding time! Now, having decided that chapter one doesn't work, it seems to have thrown me off my path and muddied the waters so I'm hoping that I can see more clearly after this. What d