
Showing posts from October, 2013

Friday Celebrations - Celebrate the Small Things Blog Hop by VicLit

Friday has arrived once more - rather promptly. Time is literally flying and is winning in the race over my writing. That said, one of my reasons to celebrate and to be positive and thankful is that my manuscript is moving forwards. I always find the editing process laborious and recently discovered a flaw in the plot. Having previously thought I'd planned most meticulously, I was left feeling frustrated. Still, this week I've finished working through it and have finally moved on. So, onwards and upwards and I'm all set for a write in this weekend. Judging by the weather (typical Cumbrian drizzle), it might be the best place to be. Although I really do have a hankering to take a ride on the steamer boat on Lake Windermere and have my usual drink - hot chocolate. Nothing like it on a cool day, especially when it's drizzling. The way the mist hangs like curtains shrouding the mountains is spectacular. I wouldn't mind taking a ride on the steam train also which is loc

Friday Celebrations - Part of Celebrate the Small Things Blog Hop by VikLit.

Life interrupted my blogging flow last week and this week heralded the invasion of builders. Suffice to say, I didn't have time to participate in the blog hop last week. Apologies to all. This week, amidst the building chaos which will be here until late November, I thought I'd make time to celebrate something. Whilst I hate to admit the fact that my writing has taken second place recently, I am able to celebrate the arrival of fresh inspiration and drive. My work is still moving forward and for that I'm very grateful and fortunate. More importantly, we are finally getting our home altered for our son who has a physical disability. This means that he will be able to become more independent and will also have the benefit of a much larger bedroom and a private bathroom. Luxury! So, that equates to my Friday celebrations. Wishing everyone a happy weekend. Link:

New Release: The Black Eagle Inn by Christoph Fischer.

This is the final installment in Christoph Fischer's Three Nations Trilogy. Why I wrote THE BLACK EAGLE INN Early feedback to my third book in the Three Nations Trilogy stated that it would probably be of most interest for people with a German heritage. As author I had to ask myself: could this novel bear relevance and interest for other people and non-German readers? The answer is yes. I was born 25 years after the end of the war. Our history lessons at school ended with the year 1945. One of the most urgent and important questions remained unanswered for me: How did a country with so much shame and horror in its past recover and move forward? How could it? I don’t think anything can ever make up for what has happened and nobody can forgive or atone for the collective guilt. But can the new generation ever deservedly rid itself of the stigma the previous generation has brought to the country? Apart from the actual family story in my book I hope a great point o

Friday Celebrations

Viklit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author My reason to celebrate and to be grateful today, is my return to writing. Having been unwell for more than one week, the manuscript has gathered far too much dust and I was beginning to get that feeling - the fear that all creativity would be lost, along with all hope of ever completing my novel. Well, I'm feeling better although still not great, but I picked up a pen and began once more. The characters are still alive, just waiting around for the next installment. I can see them and I can hear them and the chatter is becoming louder. So, I have much to be thankful for today. I'm equally thankful for all my friends in this cyber auditorium and for their support and wisdom in all things writing. Wishing you all a great weekend.

Celebrate the Small Things Blog Hop

This is courtesy of VicLit's Blog Hop, Celebrate the Small Things. All you have to do to be part of the hop is : Each week on Friday's, post something you wish to celebrate achieving. It can be anything at all, perhaps writing or reading related or something else in your life. Sign up to the linky below. Use the badge. Visit a few of the listed blogs from the linky list and offer your congratulations. Here's the link to VicLit's site.

Changing Tides

Autumn is upon us  and the nights are closing in whilst Halloween and Guy Fawkes beckon. Dewy grass is now an early morning feature and my fire is back in use. Having been sick for more than a week with some fabulously strange cold virus, I think I'm now turning the corner. I'm now back at my keyboard, thinking of all those words lost in the last ten days so there's a lot of catching up to do. I've also been busy salvaging some video footage of my trip to Carlisle airport when the Spitfire and Hurricane dropped in to refuel, back in August. Having ran out of batteries for the camera and then discovered that the disc in the camcorder was faulty, all I'm left with is some very amateurish footage on my phone. Disappointed but there's always next year to get it right. So, if you wish to take a look at the old historic kites, please enjoy what there is. (at least there's the sound of those Merlin engines.) Whilst I've been sick, it hasn't been ent